Carter Shows Ltd. History
It all started with Ernie Carter. Raised in Michigan, Carter was the son of a wealthy businessman–until the Depression hit and hit hard.
One day Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus came to town, and Carter, disillusioned with life and hard times, left with it. After traveling with the circus for some time, he moved to Windsor, Ont., to make a living out of his hobby: mechanics.
Carter combined his knowledge of mechanics and the amusement business. The result was a kiddie ride built with his own hands. In 1936, Ernie Carter formed Carter Shows.
In 1976 the show was purchased by Jerry O’Neill and from there the company began to grow into what it is today. Jerry and his kids were involved in the day to day operations of Carter Shows up until February 2014. Jerry decided it was time to move on and pass on the reigns. He hand picked Bruce Brock, owner of Ontario’s Classic Amusements. On February 14, 2014, the deal was complete and the 2 shows would amalgamate. Creating one of Ontario’s largest midways.
Today Carter Shows is a thriving family orientated show that employes a staff of 80-90 people. Winter quarters and workshops are located in Bothwell & Dalkeith, Ontario.
Your History, Is Our History
We want to work with you to create a wholesome, family atmosphere for the good people of your area to enjoy not only this year, but for years to come. We will consider your specific needs when working out your contract. We have many programs to help make your event a successful one. We want everyone to benefit from our correlation, and will work with you to create an agreement that reflects this. Please contact us for further information.